(with Kathleen Dean Moore) in Earth Island Journal, Winter 2012, pp. 46-49.
An Environmental Pedagogy of Care: Emotion, Relationships, and Experience in Higher Education Ethics Learning
(with Lissy Goralnik, Kelly Millenbah, and Laurie Thorp), The Journal of Experiential Education, 2012, 35(3):412-28.
Review of "A More Perfect Union: Holistic Worldviews and the Transformation of American Culture after World War II," by Linda Sargent Wood
(with Adam Sowards), for Environmental Ethics, Summer 2012, 34(2):213-18.
Toward improving the effectiveness of wolf management approaches in Michigan: insights from a 2010 statewide survey
(with Michelle Lute, Meredith Gore, John Vucetich), report produced and published February 5, 2012.
Environmental Ethics for Wildlife Management
(with John A. Vucetich) in Human Dimensions of Wildlife Management, Daniel J. Decker, Shawn J. Riley, and William F. Siemer, eds., Johns Hopkins University Press, 2012, pp. 223-37.
What is Morally Required?
(with Kathleen Dean Moore) published at Common Dreams, January 3, 2012, on line here.
Closing the Climate Change Generation Gap
invited blog for the Huffington Post, January 3, 2012, on line here.
(with Lissy Goralnik) for Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics, Second Edition, Vol. 1, 145-155, 2012.
An Introduction to The Blue River Declaration An Environmental Ethic and a Thinking Community,” and The Blue River Declaration
(with the Blue River Quorum) at Minding Nature: A Journal Exploring Conservation Values and the Practice of Ecological Democratic Citizenship, 2012, 4(3):9-12.
Should Isle Royale Wolves be Reintroduced? A Case Study on Wilderness Management in a Changing World
(with John A. Vucetich and Rolf O. Peterson), The George Wright Forum, 29(1): 126–147, 2012.
Sustainability Science, Ethical foundations and emerging challenges
(with John A. Vucetich), Nature Education Knowledge, 2012, 3(10):12. [on-line]
The Handbook for Conservation and Sustainability Ethics
(with John A. Vucetich) published by the Conservation Ethics Group, available on line here, or order hardcopies here.
Promoting wildlife health or fighting wildlife disease? Insights from history, philosophy, and wildlife health experts
(with Shauna L. Hanisch and Shawn J. Riley), in Wildlife Society Bulletin, September 2012, 36(3): 477-482.
Commentary: “The Logic of Climate Change Denial”
(with Kathleen Dean Moore) in The Oregonian, December 1, 2012. [on line]