(with Lissy Goralnik) in the Journal of Sustainability Education. Vol. 10, November 2015, ISSN: 2151-7452.
Report: “Does Nature Possess Intrinsic Value? An Empirical Assessment of American’s Beliefs"
Jeremy T. Bruskotter, Michael Paul Nelson, John A. Vucetich
Hunted Predators: Intrinsic Value
(with Jeremy T. Bruskotter and John A. Vucetich) Science 349(6254):1294-5, September 2015.
Does Nature have Value Beyond What it Provides Humans?
(with Jeremy T. Bruskotter and John A. Vucetich), October 2, 2015, The Conversation, [on line]
Triumph, Not Triage
(with John A. Vucetich), in The Environmental Forum, 32(5) September/October 2015, pp. 32-35.
The Pope Plays His Trump Card: teaching the power of moral actions
(with Kathleen Dean Moore), June 23, The Conversation, [on line]
Environmental Ethics
(with Leslie A. Ryan), in Oxford Bibliographies in Environmental Science. Ed. Ellen Wohl. New York: Oxford University Press, DOI: 10.1093/OBO/9780199363445-0025, March 2015 [on line]
Promoting Predators and Compassionate Conservation
(with Arian Wallach, Marc Bekoff, and Daniel Ramp), 2015, in Conservation Biology 29(5):1481-1484.
Should We Conserve Nature for Nature's Sake, or for Our Own?
(with John A. Vucetich and Jeremy T. Bruskotter, in The Huffington Post, February 20, 2015 [on line here]
Conservation Ethics as a Conservation Social Science
(with John A. Vucetich) in The Conservation Social Sciences: What? How? and Why?,edited by Nathan J. Bennett and Robin Roth, Vancouver,BC: Canadian Wildlife Federation and Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability, University of British Columbia, 2015, pp. 31-34.
Review Essay, (with Chelsea Batavia) of "The Value of Species" by Edward L. McCord,
Yale University Press, Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, 5(1): 81-4, 2015, (DOI) 10.1007/s13412-014-0203-y.
Arts and Humanities Efforts in the US Long-term Ecological Research (LTER) Network: Understanding Perceived Values and Challenges
with (Lissy Goralnik, Leslie Ryan, and Hannah Gosnell) for Ricardo Rozzi et al. (eds.), Earth Stewardship, Ecology and Ethics 2, Springer, pp. 249-68.
Evaluating whether nature’s intrinsic value is an axiom of or anathema to conservation
(with John A. Vucetich and Jeremy T. Bruskotter), in Conservation Biology, 2015, 29(2): 321-32, plus supplemental materials.
Resolving the Value of the Dingo in Ecological Restoration
(with Thomas M. Newsome, Guy-Anthony Ballard, Mathew S. Crowther, Alistair S. Glen, Justin A. Dellinger, Peter J. S. Fleming, Aaron C. Greenville, Chris N. Johnson, Mike Letnic, Katherine E. Moseby, Dale G. Nimmo, John L. Read, William J. Ripple, Euan G. Ritchie, Carolyn R. Shores, Arian D. Wallach, Aaron J. Wirsing, and Christopher R. Dickman) in Restoration Ecology, doi: 10.1111/rec.12186 [early on line version]
Report: “Framework for Envisioning Gray Wolf Recovery, that is both feasible and adheres to the U.S. Endangered Species Act”
(white paper with John A. Vucetich, Jeremy Bruskotter, and Michael Phillips).
The Anthropocene: disturbing name, limited insight
(with John A. Vucetich and Chelsea Batavia) in After Preservation: Saving American Nature in the Age of Humans, Ben Minteer and Stephen Pyne, eds. University of Chicago Press, 2015, pp. 66-73.
Review of ungulate fertility control in the National Park Service
Contributor to report: Powers, J. and A. Moresco. 2015. Review of ungulate fertility control in the National Park Service: Outcomes and recommendations from an internal workshop - February 2012. Natural Resource Report NPS/NRSS/NRR—2015/1038. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado.